The air is muffled and Dark
Thousands of leaves block the light
I walk a few feet to leave the trees
And suddenly light surrounds me
A simple meadow lost in the woods
Shining brightly like a hidden jewel
I step back into the cover of the forest
And the light gives way as to a hood
The silence held as if revered
But some footsteps patter by unseen
Almost as if challenging the silent trees
I walk forward to enter that meadow again
And bird song fills the air
Life and Energy show everywhere
Contrasting that of the silent wood
Both just a few steps away
But as different as Night and Day – Sarah Tipton
The contrast between the Dark and the Light is so profound but so necessary. This way neither can be confused with the other. They are completely distinguishable, especially, spiritually speaking. When I found this quote, though, I wasn’t thinking so much spiritually as I was just about daily life. If you live long enough, you will experience dark to light and much of the time, back to light. I don’t think you can truly value the light days until you’ve lived though some dark ones. But then, I thought, can there be light in dark days? or dark in light days? I think so. This means that each day can possibly possess darkness and light. Yet, in order to ensure that the dark isn’t dominant in any given moment, you have to return to spirituality. Life can be erratic with the light/dark designation, but with Him, each day will absolutely always have Light.
“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5
I had to settle into this because this week was leaning heavy toward the dark. I even had an extremely weird incident occur on social media today that I am still confused about. It came out of the most left, left field. It compounded the feeling of darkness. The last week has been hard to navigate through because of the impression I felt of profound darkness. But, right now, I am not convinced that it is as dark as it seems.
“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12
I am not walking around in a shadowy place where I can’t see and blackness has taken over. If Jesus is the Light of Life, I have light in my life, without exception. This is not just a comforting thought. He is Light for me but He is Light in me.
“You are the light of the world… let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:14-16
I can be light in the way I love. My Love is Light. Really, His Love is Light and if I let Him shine in me, I can also reflect that Light. But I am not just a conduit. I can take on His Love too when I am convinced of His Love for me. I’m not always functioning at that level, I’m not that good. Yet, He has lit me up enough to dissipate darkness at different times. Yesterday was one of those days. It was a long, hard day, but the light redeemed it when He gave me the ability to demonstrate some of his Love even when I was super tired and I just wanted to go home. I don’t regret it, even though, I kind of wondered if I was bringing enough light. I have realized that as dark as this week was, it never became pitch black. None of my days will ever be beyond light because there is always access to the Light of the World and He said:
“For God, who said, “Light shall shine out of darkness,” 2 Corinthians 4:6
Love Always