Good is not the easiest word to define because it needs bad/evil as a contrast and even then, it is often dependent on specific examples. At times, we say it’s relative, but inherently, I know what is good. It’s partly morality & righteousness but those words don’t capture all of it. For me to really comprehend Good, I have to look at Him. “The Lord is good,” Psalm 100:5  He is not evil or bad in anyway.  He is void of anything that would fall under those categories. In comparison, I’m not good. Yet, I am, if He is in me. Knowing that, and letting my heart & His work together,  His Goodness can be mine. Honestly, it can be anybody’s. In order to understand this, I have to know His Goodness is. How hard is that? All I need is to look at His Love which died for us and now lives for us & is given to all, without exception. “And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.” John 12:32 (His Hope is that we’ll surrender to Him because of it.) From The Cross until now, He is always Love, kindness, sacrifice patience, hope, forgiveness, faithfulness, truth wisdom, understanding. care … You know all of these good things because you’ve lived them at some point or you are currently living them. You’ve chosen to demonstrate goodness. But clearly we are still human. Our hearts have finite stamina. This is the point of this verse. It is for you, the one whose love has taken a beating and your humanity is tempted to put a limit on goodness. He knows it is not easy for us and that goodness is undervalued and unappreciated a lot.This is knowledge that he is super familiar with. ” I tell you, love your enemies. Help and give without expecting a return. You’ll never—I promise—regret it. Live out this God-created identity the way our Father lives toward us, generously and graciously, even when we’re at our worst.” Luke 6:35 TM or like it says in the ESV at the end of the verse: ” for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil.” Please don’t believe that your goodness towards others is ever in vain. He won’t let it be. “God is not unjust; he will not forget your work & the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them. Heb 6:10 (the last few days have been hard to pursue the good and persevere especially because I needed to hear His Song. Feel like giving up. But then He sings of strength in goodness)

Love and Good Always???  Youtube video


So, this directly ties in to my struggle in trying to continue to push through when I can’t get inspiration or I’m wrestling with this ministry.  The reality is that there are times it is difficult to believe any good is coming out of this.  Though,  I know He does good things even when I can’t see it.  So, the last three, four days, I’ve struggled to hear His Words and find the purpose in His Song which actually is always playing,  but I have to listen and believe it is Good and then follow through.  So, that’s the gist of the video and today’s message.  He’ll sing me into Goodness.


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