Yea, there isn’t one. You couldn’t perform well enough no matter how good of shape you’re in, to win grace. That, alone takes off the pressure. There’s such a fine line between grace and obedience. If you lean too far either way, you can become deceived. You don’t want to abuse grace, but you also seek to avoid legalism. There are times to have sober judgement of our spiritual selves in light of the Spirit and in order to hear His Words. Sometimes, though, you just need to know, He’s done the hard work. What’s left for us is our response to his effort to reconcile us to Him. He started it and he finished it. Nothing that I do or don’t do will play a part in my grace. BUT, he can’t take over my heart and also respond for me. I think that if there is anything that I have battled as a follower, it has to be this concept. I don’t like being indebted to anyone. So, I FEEL like I have to do something. I can’t easily accept the help or gifts of anyone. It just makes me feel like I owe them something, and it is this feeling that triggers religious behavior that sort of makes me feel like I have a hand in grace. I need to read this Scripture and let it root deep enough that I accept the gift and then, prayerfully, my natural response will be effortless love for Him and His creation. I’m working on it. ; )
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God Bless you,
1970 Carla
[email protected]
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