… my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27

In the period of time that Jesus inhabited the earth, He faced temptation, opposition, hatred, misinterpretation, hunger, homelessness, pain, death threats, and abandonment. While confronting these challenges, He maintained Peace. But unlike worldly peace which is easily disrupted, He possessed Holy Peace that transcends earth’s circumstances. Before He sacrificed Himself, He ensured that we could also live by this Peace. He left a peace of Himself so that we would have the power to remain in His Promises even as we face every force that is attempting to wrestle us from that Hope. I have been subjected to these forces and I have had to beg for the Peace that I desperately need to rest in Jesus’s Hands. The adversaries of Peace are in every Christian’s life. I’m embarrassed to look at my life and wonder how I am allowing myself to lose my Peace. I’ve let the current situation dictate my heart attitude. I read Matthew 26:36-46 to gain perspective on Jesus and how He coped in the middle of sorrow and grief.  I sometimes felt like I was the only one and the rest of the world recovered and just went on to live happily.  But, He knows me and he provides His example and His Peace. Jesus’s Peace does not make human sense and cannot be overcome by logic. But it is real. “…the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Phillipians 4:7. His Peace isn’t going anywhere. It’s here and there is high probability that today I be will presented with some opposition to it. I have to know that nothing on earth is greater because this Peace is born of Love.



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