I want to know. I want to hear You say it.  When You tell Me, I know it’s true. You send Me messages that are tailored and unique to Me. I’ve heard them and I’ve seen them.  But I never get tired of receiving them. I’ve been learning more about You. This morning I read about Your Goodness. You sent Me that book, The Real God. Inside, I have found that You want to be known. Your Goodness is one way You show Yourself. You are Good. You are generous in your Goodness. Not because of Me, but because of You. And even if life is dark sometimes, You are still Good. I’m surrounded by Your Love notes of Good. Yesterday, driving in that icy snow, I was afraid. It was the worst driving conditions I’ve experienced since You put Me here. I did not think I’d  make it home without having an accident. But You’re Good and You helped Me everytime I slid or headed towards the edge or almost drove the wrong way.  I’m sorry for the swear words. As I’m writing this, that drive is so much like my walk with You. I’m completely reliant on You to send me directions and guide me because I am not good with maps. So, I definitely need to hear from You. The truth about how much You love Me and won’t ever fail Me. Morning time would be great, but anytime is good. I’m going to look for You today when I’m out on errands and when I’m at the gym. I’ll pay attention to see what You’re saying. I’ll try not to forget. I don’t want to just live in those things as if You aren’t talking. If I listen,  I’ll hear Your Love and I will experience Your Love. Then wherever I am, I can be like You and let Your Love guide Me. This way someone else can hear of Your Unfailing Love too. Thank You for being Fail Proof, Amen.

Love Always???

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