You’re shattered
Like you’ve never been before
The life you knew
In a thousand pieces on the floor
And words fall short in times like these
When this world drives you to your knees
You think you’re never gonna get back
To the you that used to be

Tell your heart to beat again
Close your eyes and breathe it in
Let the shadows fall away
Step into the light of grace
Yesterday’s a closing door
You don’t live there anymore
Say goodbye to where you’ve been
And tell your heart to beat again.

–Tell Your Heart to Beat Again

Danny Gokey


I’ve walked through so many doors. Some I prayed about and others I stumbled in. Ones that were opened for me and some that I yanked open. I don’t know how good I am at deciphering the right doors. I need His Guidance because I think I passed through some just following my heart’s direction. I think I want to believe that the decision was a good one, but I know that there were times that I let my emotions lead and I paid the price. Sometimes it’s just hard to know especially with people. The only thing I know, is that I don’t know enough on the front end so there are times maybe I shouldn’t have moved forward. But, I don’t know. If there were some way that I could ever really know, that’d be perfect. It isn’t that every time I messed up. I am very grateful for the people that I have in my life. It just seems that lately, I haven’t heard His clear Direction and I kept walking. I wanted to go through, maybe that is the biggest problem. I think I should figure out really if He wants me to. Deep in my heart, I just want to go in those doors because I just want to. So, the truth is, I did hear His Voice, but I want to justify my decision. So, you know, I’ve screwed up a fair amount. And today, I feel really sad that I did. All of this probably sounds dramatic. It only does because people connect on a soul level in friendship and that’s why it’s never easy to disengage. This song may seem over the top for what I am writing about, but it resonated with me this morning when I heard it on my drive to work. Some things are not going to be part of life forever. The lyrics were perfect for what I was feeling, not just about relationships, but about other life issues. Yet, there is one thing I am very certain of. As long as we have a pulse, there is always hope. This is a weird verse, but I really like it because it confirms this truth: “Anyone among the living has hope. Even a live dog is better off than a dead lion.” Ecclesiastes 9:4   So, I’m still alive and this means that I have Him always at my side. He can make anyone a new again even if they are inclined to say or do things that are contrary to being or living like Him.

“Because of this decision we don’t evaluate people by what they have or how they look. We looked at the Messiah that way once and got it all wrong, as you know. We certainly don’t look at him that way anymore. Now we look inside, and what we see is that anyone united with the Messiah gets a fresh start, is created new. The old life is gone; a new life burgeons! Look at it! All this comes from the God who settled the relationship between us and him, and then called us to settle our relationships with each other.” 1 Corinthians 5:17

Things are just going to be messy sometimes. I’m going to be the cause of it a lot of those times. I hope that I use His Spirit when I make future decisions about anything. Yet ,I know that even after screwing up, if it doesn’t stop your heart permanently, your heart can beat again.

Love Always with every beat.  Youtube Video:

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