
Love Moves

    It really is hard to write about this.  I can say that love is the most important thing. Yet my life is not always a reflection of that. I’m a hypocrite. It isn’t that I fail to love all the time. But I can’t say that everything I do is done in love. …


Starry Sky

Darkness is prevalent. Wherever there is a corruption of what is good and right, darkness settles. You might be living your best life, but if you have any interactions with other humans, it’s guaranteed you’ll hit patches of darkness. If you chose to live a solitary life on a remote mountain, you might avoid a…


He Lives

This is the statement that needs to be reiterated at the Enemy every single time you feel hopeless or outranked.  He can’t win.  It’s already been decided.  Meanwhile, situations overwhelm and loom large.  You may feel lost and bewildered maybe even alone and misunderstood, but this simple statement can disarm the Enemy’s efforts.  I won’t…


Grace Race

Yea, there isn’t one.  You couldn’t perform well enough no matter how good of shape you’re in, to win grace.  That, alone takes off the pressure.  There’s such a fine line between grace and obedience. If you lean too far either way, you can become deceived. You don’t want to abuse grace, but you also…



You might review your failures and stop moving. Don’t do it! Those mistakes do not define you perpetually if you’ve changed. Hebrews 10:14 says followers are perfect even while being made holy.  If Jesus’ blood is as powerful as you believe it is, then those past things have been wiped out.  It is as if…