

Truth doesn’t have to hold hands with Love. It can be all by itself and stand alone since it has strength as fact. Love, though, has to be married to Truth. Love can’t lie. Once deceit or lies are introduced, then Love dies. Love is incompatible with falsehood since Love seeks the good of others…


Free In Love

I was bound and detained without hope of release. Yet during that time, I thought I was unconfined. I lived a life of open abandon that deceived me to think I had freedom. But I was restricted since my mind didn’t know Truth and Love. I functioned behind a barricade where I watched over my…


His Artistry

I am not always the most spiritual person. My inner brat takes over and it drowns my appreciation for all the incredible things in my life. I wrote yesterday that I was battling the grey. Then, I put my heart and mind into seeing Him in all the beauty of my life. I was feeling…


Fail Proof

I only have one sure bet in my life. The one constant that is secure and guaranteed. The Love that He has for Me. It carries zero spiritual risk. This verse and the truth behind it, were understood. But, not really because I still had moments where I inserted my will.  Faith and Fear coexisted. …