MESSIANIC FREEDOM calligraphy screensaver for smartphone bible verse scripture art


We, each, are an amalgamation of our history/family and experiences. This unique combination makes us proud and centered. It shapes our perceptions and even drives our objectives. If we lost that, we would be robbed of part of our identity. We also love our independence and together with our identifiers, we form communities and connections….

God's Hope in us screensaver for smartphone calligraphy


The decision to move from New Mexico to California created an environment that would cause a lot of pain and suffering but my parents needed to move so that my dad could begin his new job as a public school teacher. They settled their small family in Redwood City where a suitable duplex would house…

hope doesn't listen to fear _ Squiggly word _ bible art _ calligraphy

Fear is noisy

Fear is noisy. It lists all of these facts and scenarios.  It is dogged in it’s effort to get you to hear what it’s saying. But if you decide to surrender your life to the Most High and you bet everything on the Hope that He will resolve all things, you will never need to…



Gratitude is spiritual, it’s grounding, it brings the good back into focus, it transforms our vantage point and it helps bring balance to our mental health. Is it a denial of the challenges? Of course not. But it does not allow the hard things of this life to overwhelm the good. “Let the message of…

Calm Is A SuperPower

Calm Is A SuperPower

What if, in the middle of a confrontation with an opposing force, you choose, the seemingly least powerful weapon in your arsenal? Instinctively, we’d bypass it and move straight to the one we feel is more appropriate. The problem is, typically that response is reactive, rash, emotional, maybe unreasonable, could be retaliatory, may drop faith…

Embrace Uncertainty

Embrace Uncertainty

Uncertainty is a gift. Its precariousness is perfect for faith. In fact, it’s beautiful in its unpredictability and uncontrollable nature. Don’t hold back. Run towards it with arms positioned to give it a fierce embrace. You may as well, there’s no room for tentativeness in this new life you accepted as a Christian. “For whatever…

Higher Love

Higher Love

Think about it, there must be higher loveDown in the heart or hidden in the stars aboveWithout it, life is a wasted timeLook inside your heart, I’ll look inside mine-Things look so bad everywhereIn this whole world, what is fair?We walk blind and we try to seeFalling behind in what could be-Bring me a higher…