You might review your failures and stop moving. Don’t do it! Those mistakes do not define you perpetually if you’ve changed. Hebrews 10:14 says followers are perfect even while being made holy. If Jesus’ blood is as powerful as you believe it is, then those past things have been wiped out. It is as if they never happened. Are there consequences? Of course. But the objective was never to completely stop because you’ve made mistakes. Look, if you stop, your Enemy is waiting. He prowls around like a predator, just waiting for you to hesitate or totally stop moving. 1 Peter 5:8 He works really well in those situations. We can’t give him the opportunity. So, I repent, Jesus’ grace covers the gap, and I keep moving forward. It can feel like a strain, (trust me I know), but God has provided help through the Spirit and other supernatural resources.(See 17 posts back from this on Instagram account).