Truth doesn’t have to hold hands with Love. It can be all by itself and stand alone since it has strength as fact. Love, though, has to be married to Truth. Love can’t lie. Once deceit or lies are introduced, then Love dies. Love is incompatible with falsehood since Love seeks the good of others and dishonesty is self seeking. I’m super confident of this when I look at Him because He defines Love. “… God is Love.” 1John 4:8  So, if He is Love, I can replace God with Love in these verses:

Love is not a man, that He should lie. Numbers 23:19

“…it is impossible for Love to lie. Hebrews 6:18

Also the Love of Israel will not lie. 1Sam 15:29

I want that Love. I need that Love. So, do you. Real Love. True and Honest.  We can fall in it and be confident that it wants what is complete, good, and right for us. I can’t live without it. It’s hard for me to believe anyone can. I want to know that kind of Love and I want to give that kind of Love. Truth in Love and Love in Truth is straight from Heaven and who wouldn’t want to be otherworldly in their Love?  Love, because of it’s truth and purity, can bring forth things that were impossible before. Forgiveness, sacrifice, repentance, transformation, miracles, death to life. You never have to seek truth in love. It’s always been right there. Love just can’t pretend or hide what is true. So, Love will always endure as it remains grounded in what is genuine and authentic. And the foremost Truth in Love is that He is irrevocably in Love with us and because of it, we can also love like Him.

“… let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.”  1John 4:7

“… let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth. 1John 3:18

Yes, True Love exists. It landed on earth through the Cross and then moved from there into any willing heart.

Love Always ????????

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