If I reach for God in prayer, He never maintains any distance. He is quick to connect with me. It is His great joy to hold me up. He cradles my prayers because He values me. I can’t claim that I earned His care or that in my corner of the world, I caught His attention by my holy life. He just loves what he creates. He especially loves humanity. We hold the primary place in God’s Heart and He has done everything He can do to bring us to Him. We are His children and when we call to Him, He hears us every time. I may not hear Him or receive the response I desired, but He definitely received my words and He will surround me with His Peace. The restoration of calm and serenity are essential so that I can rely on Him and finally lay down to rest in His Hands. “You open your Hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing.” Psalm 145:16
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