I didn’t have a very good idea of what to do today. What I wrote isn’t exceptional artwise, but the quote seemed appropriate. The subject is unavoidable because humans are so human. If you knew me outside of Instagram or this blog, you’d agree. In many places where my life has intersected with others, I’ve caused injury by my words and behaviour. Not deliberately every time. But, I have reacted, spoken, and acted in ways that hurt and I would never justify it. Who wants to admit that? Especially as a follower of God? But even with good intentions and a sincere heart that desires and attempts to love, I’m still so human. Forgiveness is something I don’t deserve, but Jesus provides it anyway. He is liberal with it primarily because He is counting on it to transform me into a increasingly loving person. One that is not as prone to defaulting to my humanity. But that still leaves the ones who I have harmed. What obligation do they have to forgive me? None based on anything that has to do with me. Jesus is the only hope I have that someone will truly forgive me because they have been on the receiving end of His forgiveness. I’ve condemned myself the last week and I would imagine that the ones I’ve hurt did too. At least some. In that place, I debated just dropping this whole ministry. In condemnation, there’s no joy. I’m still fighting to stay in. Jesus is who I’m looking to. He can heal and restore. He is the only way to be released of the pain and sorrow. This is true for those I’ve wounded and even for myself. The freedom of forgiveness is for everyone. The door out, is unlocked by Jesus. “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32
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