Wait. Stand by. Hold your position. I hear this from God in my life today. I’ve heard it before and my history shows that I do not excel in waiting. I’m not alone in this. I know patience is not a prevalent trait in society. Waiting for God, though is unlike any other type of waiting. Deferring to God is trust. It is my conviction that I can completely rely on Him even when I am capable of taking action. If you need an example of why jumping the gun fails, see Saul in 1Samuel 13:1-13. He had clear instruction to wait, but he also had it in his power to act. He chose action over trust. It resulted in a fracture in his walk with God and he lost the promise of God. The Maker of all things, knows all things. I do not. What I know is insufficient to achieve the purpose of my life. I have to trust Him. He has proven He is worthy of my trust by His Love. My trust in Him is how I love Him in return. This trust has to be complete, without a backup plan. I look at the Cross, and at Jesus, and I reaffirm that trusting in His Love is not conventional, but it is hope and it is always for my good. I may experience pain and sadness. I may experience loss and not understand all the whys. But I am confident that all that has happened can be used by God to demonstrate His Love through us and for us. In spite of the hardship, and the separation, I trust Him. He will accomplish His great and perfect will for me and for those that were with me. Even if we only meet in Heaven. So, Lord, I will wait.
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