“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me.” John 16:33

I looked out at this sunset from Joyuda Beach in Puerto Rico last month.  The peace of that night is the peace I needed today.  I wanted the kind of peace that opens up my mind and heart to hear what He is saying and what He is desiring.  I had to make room for it and I had to chase after it.     “…seek peace and pursue it.” Psalm 34:14b  It did not come from self production since I don’t have natural peace in me.  I knew that it comes from being one with Jesus.  For that reason, I chose to press into Him in order to be in the same spiritual space. “whoever is united with the Lord is one with him in spirit.” 1 Corinthians 6:17
That would be the only way I could connect with him in peace since He is peace. “he himself is our peace.” Ephesians 2:14  I felt him in my life and I heard Him in song as I drove to work.  I looked for Him in the sky.  And what I heard were these words: ” I am close to you as you breathe.” I think I heard it in a lyric but I am not sure. All that matters is that I heard it. What a profound thought.  I am breathing all the time.  It’s not like I hold my breath on a regular basis, so He is with me all the time. If he is with me all the time and He is peace, then I can be in peace in Him at any time. I can hear Him at any time. I just need to listen.  So, I did. He gave me insight and some verses but mostly He just loved me in peace.  And when my earthly nature wanted to pull away because I saw messages on my phone and because I was drawn to the desire to respond, I had to decide to keep connected with Him.  The day was dedicated to Him.  I wanted to give Him the best of the day.  It was the only way I could hear Him.  I am trying to understand what He wants of me and where He wants to take me.  I need to know.  He gave me some direction and the rest will require faith. Even though, I don’t know everything I feel at peace because today was Peace, and He was Today.

“A peace above all earthly dignities, a still and quiet conscience.”  William Shakespeare

Love Always



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