He isn’t quick to condemn. He is fixated on saving everybody. Every single one. That means he is using all of his resources to reveal the truth to us. I am a witness of this. I lived in a place that is susceptible to earthquakes. After a large, devastating quake, that destroyed various buildings and roads, I wasn’t sure if I should go to work the next day. I had checked on my parents, and brothers/sisters that still lived at home. Everybody was fine. I decided to go to work the next morning. I worked for a large corporation and only a small percentage of people were there that day. One lady in particular, sees me a few hours into the day and invites me to church. (as a side note, during the quake, which occurred during work hours, she waved her Thomas Chain Reference Bible and said in a loud voice, “Life Insurance”) So basically, I figured she was a religious wing nut. Yea, no. I wasn’t planning on going to church. He disappoints, remember? Besides that, I was a Catholic atheist. I didn’t believe in God, but I was still afraid of Him. Old joke. I convinced myself that I was an atheist. No God, no problems. This crazy lady keeps inviting me, engaging in conversation with me for 4 months. Eh, kind of paid attention, but mostly didn’t take it seriously. Honestly, I was kind of scared. I didn’t want to know about God. The only reason I went to church with her 4 months later was because she KNEW the Scriptures. She would back everything up with the verses. Crap, I was in adultery, had an abortion, loved to get drunk, and I was very familiar with drugs. Yet, I was a fully functioning person, just like my dad. I had a very good job working for a sub contractor of the government. I was an accountant. I never missed a day of work. But nobody could party harder than me. I’m serious. I compartmentalized the wild side so that it wouldn’t bleed over into my professional life. But I really didn’t hold back on that party life. So, I have to say, I was a hard sell. If she couldn’t give me any Scriptures to validate what she said, it was a no go. I’m still like this. I feel bad for her, it was tough, but she stuck it out. I should be like her. Finally, March 21st, after studying the Scriptures, gaining faith, and repenting, I am baptized!. So, what? This is what: I was not royalty, or wealthy, influential, or particularly brilliant. Do you know what that means?!! He wants all men to be saved. Every single one.
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