I am not always the most spiritual person. My inner brat takes over and it drowns my appreciation for all the incredible things in my life. I wrote yesterday that I was battling the grey. Then, I put my heart and mind into seeing Him in all the beauty of my life. I was feeling pretty good for the morning, but then by afternoon, the sadness was creeping in. Sadness stemming from thoughts regarding the things that I can’t have or change or understand. The sun, though, was out and there was no way, I could stay in and neglect going out for a run in that kind of weather. Especially since I’ve had to do most of my running on a treadmill for months and I hate it. It feels like it takes twice as long to do just because it’s torture psychologically, since you’re moving but you don’t go anywhere. Plus, it’s always super hot in the gym, at least for me and I always overheat. So, by the time I’m done I look like I need CPR. I am surprised someone doesn’t offer to call 911.

But –Yesterday- was too perfect and my fav run is always on this trail/road close to my house. While I was out, I was looking at the view, and I knew I had to take a picture. But, first I had to finish and then double back to capture the sight. Even my bratty side couldn’t deny the blessing of being able to see the art of God. No man could ever rival Him in artistry. Looking at that, it makes me despise the treadmill even more. It also forces Me to see Him as He truly is; Perfection in everything. He is the Master Artist.


God The Artist

By Angela Morgan

God, when you thought of a pine tree,

How did you think of a star?

How did you dream of the Milky Way

To guide us from afar.

How did you think of a clean brown pool

Where flecks of shadows are?

God, when you thought of a cobweb,

How did you think of dew?

How did you know a spider’s house

Had shingles bright and new?

How did you know the human folk

Would love them like they do?

God, when you patterned a bird song,

Flung on a silver string,

How did you know the ecstasy

That crystal call would bring?

How did you think of a bubbling throat

And a darling speckled wing?

God, when you chiseled a raindrop,

How did you think of a stem,

Bearing a lovely satin leaf

To hold the tiny gem?

How did you know a million drops

Would deck the morning’s hem?

Why did you mate the moonlit night

With the honeysuckle vines?

How did you know Madeira bloom

Distilled ecstatic wines?

How did you weave the velvet disk

Where tangled perfumes are?

God, when you thought of a pine tree,

How did you think of a star?

Seriously, Lord, how did You? Actually, I can’t know. My mind is incapable of handling it. It is too great for me to grasp. I will, instead, let your Art subdue the brat in Me and allow Me to appreciate with awe, Your brilliance and artistry over nature and all created things. Your capability to create art is beyond description. Thank you for my eyes to see it. Thank for doing this for Me especially because I was losing my perspective.  I was getting entangled in my human side. But You unveiled this to help Me. You wanted to free Me from Me. Lord, I just love You.


“He has made everything beautiful in its time.”

Ecclesiastes 3:11

Love Always♥♥♥

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    1. Hi Ricky! Thank you. I love that area and God showed me his masterpiece that day!!! Blessings????

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