This is so obviously a Divine Dare. And I have concurrent emotions in response to it. My heart trusts that I will absolutely know that His Words are Truth if I live them out. That trust came into being because of His relentless Love that pursued me. Originating with His Sacrifice and continuing with every single effort He has made to demonstrate how He feels. But, I also have my persistent human derived feelings of misguided self-worth. My spiritual mind knows His words are urging me to accept the challenge so that He can reveal all that I need to know about real Love and Truth. But then my earthly mind instigates feelings of failure based on the past. Especially in the area of relationships. If I could redo some things, I would. I really wish I could. I long for a do over to rectify and put things as they were. But regret is a dead end. Even now, those mistakes can’t nullify the promise He is making. That I can truly experience great love by “laying down my life for my friends ” John 15:13, that “forgiveness is possible” Luke 23:33 “that Jesus and God love me completely”John 15:9  If I hold to His teachings and actually obey them,  He is guaranteeing that it will yield direct understanding and revelation of Himself. Everything He desires for me to know about His Loving Plans for my life. I definitely want to know so that the lies based on this life are eradicated. Especially today as I began to feel the burden and loss. What do I do? I listen to Him in spite of my emotions. Emotions that He completely understands but doesn’t want to disable me. His Promise is so much greater than what I’m feeling right now.  I’m just going to lay down my heart and do what He says. His words won’t fail to come true.

“Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him.” Psalm 62:5



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