Blogs are so wordy and self serving sometimes. I don’t even like to say I have a blog. It sounds ordinary and common. Not every blog is like this. I hope mine isn’t but how would I really know? They’re my words that I am putting down. When I am typing them, they sound fine. But I’m not on the receiving end. Even if whatever I wrote was in the 1 percent of all the best blogs out there, it would never really have the power and impact of God’s Words. He wrote a “blog’. The words from His Head are life transforming and full of Spirit. Jesus declared this in John 6:63. I could never claim that mine are. There is a limit to mine, but his are limitless. They overrun man made rules and traditions. They are alive and still work even today, thousands of years after he spoke them. They are powerful enough to impact situations and people in a way that our words, are incapable of. I am a product of the transforming work of His words. It is because I have experienced the supernatural Word of God that I am convinced His Word is the ultimate Blog.
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