If God only looked down from Heaven to see those who seek Him and sent them a revelation, dream, word, prophet or angel to initiate a connection, that would amazing. Before Jesus, that was often what He did. A very few times, He took someone up to be with Him, but in general, most interaction with Him was dictated by regulations and law. A system that was necessary in order to preserve the integrity of His Holiness since man is unholy and God cannot allow sin in His presence. It was His perogative to maintain that order of communication and relationship.  But God is Love and He is completely enamored with us. The Statutes and directives that were instituted could never create or grow a love between He and us. Since He desired to get close, the only way was destroy the wall of sin. And the only one who could do that, was Him. “For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people’s sins against them.”  2Corinthians 5:19 In the Greek Interlinear translation it reads in verse19 “that God was in Christ”  I can’t exactly explain the details of this. But I don’t need to because the logistics are unimportant.  The result is.Together, they are Love. That Love is what destroyed the law and gave us free access to be in relationship with Him. So, now when I read this verse, it has greater meaning. It’s not just looking up while He looks down. It is understanding that Jesus is lovingly seeking us and is looking for our response. He is telling me I am not chained to rules anymore. In Him, there’s only Love and because of Him, the only “law” is Love.  “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:37-40

Love Always❤❤❤

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One Comment

  1. Your conclusion: “Love Always,” rested heavily on my heart, and I asked Jesus, Why? Jesus knows that I have a deep Love and true heart for Him, but I have to admit that I have not Loved Him or others “always.” God is Love, and I agree that He is completely enamored with us, wants to be in a Loving relationship with us and that Jesus summation of all God’s commandments comes down to 1. Love God and 2. Love others as ourselves.

    Until recently, I would have tucked all that into my heart and let is rest quietly and undisturbed as I went about my day. Loving God as best I could, but needing to refresh my mind with the Love reminder on a regular basis. I doubt I was unique.

    About six months ago, Jesus reached into my soul and asked me to open my heart and be active about Loving Him on His terms and with His intensity, not mine. Jesus put in on my heart to give His Agape Love to another person and to do it unconditionally, without expectation, judgement, goal or stipulation. He promised to be my Arron, to be the voice of His Agape Love and to come into my heart and provide everything I would need to be His disciple of Love. I’m not sure when my I’ll think about it turned to Yes, but Jesus know I truly Loved Him, so He took hold of moved my heart where it needed to be and then He put into it someone He Loved, someone seeking the affirmation of His Love and someone whose heart He would softened to receive His Love.

    The Truth is, the experience of seeing Jesus, the ‘God is Love’ God, work His Love in and through me and to another person was a heart and soul changer. I learned first hand the meaning of what Jeremiah experienced: (Jeremiah 31:3) “The Lord appeared to him from afar, saying, “I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have drawn you with loving kindness.” and what Isaiah experienced: (Isaiah 52:7) “How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of Him who brings good news, who announces peace, who brings Love and happiness, who proclaims salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God (Love) reigns!”

    There is so much of Love and beauty and Truth and grace about Jesus’ work in my heart and in the heart of the person He wanted to fill with His Agape Love, but that telling is not what Jesus asked me to share. Reading your message, Jesus reminded me that ‘Love is reflected in Love,’ and that the change in my heart about the nature of His Love for me and my learning to truly Love Him and another was a life-transforming blessing I received by becoming a heart and soul-vessel for His Love for another.

    It is impossible to be filled with His Love… to witness the outpouring of that Love… to experience the majesty and humanity and pureness and Truth of that Love without it transforming your heart into Loving Jesus as He commands us… and through Him to Love other as ourselves. It is the beauty of Jesus, who is beautiful because He is the perfection of Love… because Jesus is Love.

    His Seeking Eyes found me and His remarkable beauty of His Love transformed me into a new being with a new heart filled with Love. Now, I am far from perfect in Loving Jesus and others. I struggle Loving members of my family and friends with the Love He has shown me. But, I now understand what you wrote, which reflects what Jesus calls us to do and is our true purpose in life… “the only ‘law’ is Love.” And, that is the perfection of Jesus, of Love in our hearts and lives and in our relationship with Him and others.

    Thank you for sharing what is truly a beautiful telling of His Love, which helped my understanding that Jesus is always Lovingly seeking us and that His heart of Love is always open, seeking our heartfelt response. God bless you and your heart for Jesus and your readers. Peace by with you. Amen.

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