This is the statement that needs to be reiterated at the Enemy every single time you feel hopeless or outranked. He can’t win. It’s already been decided. Meanwhile, situations overwhelm and loom large. You may feel lost and bewildered maybe even alone and misunderstood, but this simple statement can disarm the Enemy’s efforts. I won’t let him guide me down a path that I can’t recover from. My Savior Lives and He has overcome the grave. This week was incredibly difficult for me. I am still in the midst of it. I really don’t know exactly what I am going to do about the situation that has presented itself in my life. I just know that it is not more powerful than the Son of God. Somehow the truth of this statement will help me get through the struggle. So, if there is victory over death, than there can be victory over this situation. That hope is universally available to all. The patriarch of suffering knew this: “I know that my Savior lives.” Job 19:25
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