Generally, I would not consider myself to be a gambler. But, when the Powerball lottery is high, I will bet $10 on some tickets. If someone is going to win, why not me? I know how to handle money. I work in the accounting field and I understand finances. I’ll let myself fantasize (for about 2 mins) about how I would make those winnings work for the Kingdom & free me to devote myself to my ministries, including this one. It would be so much easier to have that level of freedom in ministry. I could spend my time creating, writing, serving and not have to go to my job. Instead, I sat at the table at 4 this morning, (slept in), and I did not know what to post. Whatever I write goes on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and maybe Tumblr as the post of the day. But today, I had nothing. I had zero inspiration and a lot of anxiety. I leafed through my Rhodia notebook looking at all my practice runs on verses that I’ve lettered. I found this verse written out. But, I decided to reletter it. That took 200 tries. I finally achieved a decent result but I still did not have an idea of what the message would be to accompany the image. Poo, this is hard. You’d think by now, after almost a year, I’d have this down. I even thought, how long am I going to do this? Should I keep this ministry going for years? I believe He has a project He is planning to do in this. But, if I look further out, I don’t know if I’m supposed to continue like this. I guess it’s all a gamble like the lottery. From the start, that’s how it’s been. When I was born again, I placed my life on Him as my wager. The only reason I did it was because His Sacrifice displayed the extent of His Love which He placed first. He took the greater/costly risk. In faith I continue to put down my bet and He returns so much more than I ever put in. His provision will come through every time. It did this morning and a post was born. He also spoke and confirmed His intent to always provide even when I feel like I’m losing. I may incur loss here, yet He guarantees a future eternal gain.
Love Always❤❤❤
I will keep doing what I’m doing until it’s time to stop.