God is interested in partnering with us. He never intended to save us and then have a hand’s off attitude. He wants to give us every chance to succeed. He always had it in mind to give us a Great Power. The Spirit of the Living God descended onto earth because of a promise Jesus made.(John 14:16) It is a Gift to anyone who chooses to follow God. It is an Intercessor, Comforter, Advocate, Counselor that will forever reside in the being of all faithful followers. You need it and so do I because we are still here and we’re going to take hits that we cannot overcome without God’s Power. Joint Prayer through the Holy Spirit is perfect. Not the composition, but the Essence of God and us melding together in a song of words that calls out to Him in need, praise, and worship. It was the Lord’s desire to be in harmony with us through prayer so He did not hand us a weak version of His own Power. He gifted us with a Power that is greater and stronger than any evil that co- inhabits our planet. “The One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” 1John 4:4 It is a part of you and you can harness it’s capabilities in prayer without exception. So regardless of what happens today, we are in sync with the Spirit which leads in us in spiritual music to God’s Heart and will not allow us to be overcome
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Love your site and your faithfulness to our Heavenly Father. God bless you!
Yes Good WORD Thank you.!!! @squiggleyword
You get a lot of respect from me for writing these helpful arlcties.